
THE EARTH - Bit Bank

Q: Who of the following proposed Gaseous Hypothesis?

1. Laplace
2. Russell
3. Hoyle
4. Kant

Q: The word ‘Nebula’ means

1. Water
2. Cloud
3. Ice
4. Dust particle

Q: The Nebular Hypothesis was proposed by

1. Kant
2. Otto Schmidt
3. Jeans and Jeffrey
4. Laplace

Q: The Supernova Hypothesis was proposed by

1. Hoyle
2. Otto Schmidt
3. Jeans and Jeffrey
4. Laplace

Q: The equator does not pass through 

1. Brazil
2. Congo
3. Somalia
4. Niger

Q: The Binary star Hypothesis was proposed by

1. Kant
2. Otto Schmidt
3. Russell
4. Laplace

Q: Who of the following was the first to propound continental drift theory?

1. Alfred Wegner
2. Antonio Pellegrini
3. Abraham Ortelius
4. Russells


Q: The equator passes through......countries

1. 7
2. 8
3. 9
4. 10

Q: What was the name of the only continent in the World that was present 150 million years ago?

1. Gondwanaland
2. Laurasia
3. Panthalasa
4. Pangea

Q: What was the name of the mega ocean that was surrounding the large land mass called Pangea?

1. Panthalasa
2. Laurasia
3. Gondwana
4. Pacific

Q: What was the name of the broken land mass of the Pangea that drifted towards South?

1. Laurasia
2. Gondwana
3. Panthalasa
4. Antarctic

Q: What was the name of the broken land mass of the Pangea that drifted towards North?

1. Laurasia
2. Gondwana
3. Panthalasa
4. Antarctic

Q: According to the Plate tectonic theory the outermost part of the earth is called

1. Asthenosphere
2. Lithosphere
3. Biosphere
4. Hydrosphere

Q: Who of the following propounded the Plate Tectonic theory?

1. McKenzie
2. Parker
3. Morgan
4. All the Above

Q: The Radio Carbon Dating technique is used to estimate the age of the rocks. This technique was developed by

1. Parker
2. Morgan
3. Willard Libby
4. McKenzie

Q: Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the rotation of the earth?

A. It rotates on its own axis
B. It moves in West to East direction
C. The time taken for rotation is 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds
D. The rotation of earth causes day and night

Chose the correct answer:

1. A, B and C
2. B, C and D
3. A, B and D
4. A, B, C and D


Q: Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the revolution of the earth?

1. This the movement of the earth round the Sun
2. The total time taken is 365 ¼ days 
3. It causes seasons
4. All the above

Q: Which of the following is called great circle?

1. Tropic of cancer
2. Tropic of Capricorn
3. Equator
4. North pole

Q: Longitudes are called

1. Meridians
2. Parallels
3. Circles
4. Horizontal lines

Q: Which of the following is also called Northern circle?

1. Tropic of cancer
2. Tropic of Capricorn
3. Equator
4. Prime Meridian

Q: Which of the following is also called Southern circle?

1. Tropic of cancer
2. Tropic of Capricorn
3. Equator
4. Prime Meridian

Q: Which of the following countries has highest time zones?

1. USA
2. China
3. India
4. Russia

Q: How many time zones are present in India?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Q: The International Date Line passes through

1. Palk strait
2. Bering strait
3. Panama Canal
4. Gulf of Mexico

Q: The Mohorovicic discontinuity is present between

1. Mantle and Core
2. Outer core and inner core
3. The crust and Mantle
4. Upper mantle and Mantle

Q: The Gutenberg discontinuity is present between

1. Mantle and Outer core
2. Outer core and inner core
3. The crust and Mantle
4. Upper mantle and Mantle

Q: The Lehmann discontinuity is present between

1. Mantle and Core
2. Outer core and inner core
3. The crust and Mantle
4. Upper mantle and Mantle