



ü  This is usually a fresh water body.

ü  This flows towards Ocean or Sea or another river.

ü  River is a part of Hydrological cycle.

ü  The scientific study of rivers is called Potamology.

ü  A river is made up of stream bed between banks.


ü  This is located in Africa.

ü  This is the longest river in the World.

ü  The length is 6650 km long.

ü  This is a North flowing river.

ü  The Nile River has 2 important tributaries. They are White Nile and Blue Nile.

ü  The White Nile is longer than the Blue Nile.

ü  The Blue Nile is the source of most of the Water.

ü  The river Nile Joins the Mediterranean Sea.


ü  This is located in South America.

ü  This is the second longest river in the World.

ü  This is the largest river in the World.

ü  The Amazon River joins Atlantic Ocean.


ü  This is present in Africa.

ü  This is also called Zaire River.

ü  This is the deepest river in the World (750 ft).

ü  This is the second largest river in the World after Amazon.

ü  This is the only river in the World that crosses equator twice.

ü  The river flows through the Congo rainforest.

§  Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the World.

§  Cango rainforest is the second largest rainforest in the World.


ü  This is located in West Africa.

ü  This runs in a crescent shape through Guinea, Mali, Niger Benin and Nigeria.

ü  This enters into Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean.


ü  This is located in Africa.

ü  The World famous Victoria Falls is located on this river.

ü  Chavuma water falls on the borders of Zambia and Angola is also present on the Zambia River.

ü  The source of the river is Zambia.

ü  After flowing through some other countries it empties into Indian Ocean at Mozambique.


ü  This is located in Asia.

ü  This is the longest river in Asia.

ü  It flows 6418 km.

ü  It originates in Tibetan plateau.

ü  It moves towards East in China and empties into East China Sea near Shanghai.

ü  It is the important physical and cultural dividing line between North and South China.

ü  The Three Gorges Dam is built across Yangtze River.

ü  The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro electric power station in the World.


ü  This is the second longest river in China.

ü  This is called sorrow of China.

ü  This empties into Bohai Sea. (This is the innermost gulf of Yellow Sea).


ü  This flows through Southern part of Africa.

ü  This rises in Lesotho and flows into South Africa.

ü  (Lesotho is a land locked country in South Africa).

ü  The river flows through Lesotho, South Africa and Namibia and joins Atlantic Ocean.


ü  This flows through North America.

ü  This is the largest river system in North America.

ü  This joins Gulf of Mexico.


ü  This is flows through Russia. 

ü  This is considered as the National River of Russia.

ü  Moscow, the capital city of Russia is situated on the Volga’s river basin.

ü  This river empties into Caspian Sea.


ü  This is located in Europe.

ü  This originates in the Black forests of Germany.

ü  It empties into Black Sea.


ü  This is also called Tsangpo River.

ü  It originates in Tibet.

ü  It flows through Himalayas and enters into Arunachal Pradesh.

ü  In Arunachal Pradesh it is called Dihang.

ü  It passes through Assam valley and enters into Bangladesh.

ü  In Bangladesh it is called Jamuna River.

ü  It merges with the Padma River and is called Meghana River.

ü  It empties into Bay of Bengal.